Job Completion Survey

  • Reviewed By: Drew R.
  • Location: Durango, CO
  • This review was copy/pasted from:
  • Original Review Link:
  • Comment: We had a large crock pot full of chili spill in the back of our minivan. It soaked in to the carpet, went under the carpet, in all the nooks and crannies around the seat attachments and frame, etc. Tried cleaning it, but just couldn't get the smell out and couldn't get it totally clean. The odor got worse and worse, and by day 4, we found maggots underneath the carpet. So gross... Tried asking a detailer, but everyone was either booked for weeks, or didn't want to touch it.

    I called Jackie at BEST and she was immediately ready to help. She arranged to have me bring in my van the next morning and Andrew deep cleaned the vehicle. The carpet was toast, but they got the smell (and the maggots) out, and at a VERY reasonable cost.

    I can't recommend this company enough and will definitely use them again in the future.
  • Overall Rating